Monday I had the tooth ache all
night and it still continued to do so but I helped Ma wash notwithstanding. In
the evening Mr Oslow Beebee and Lady Lib Cox and son Link, Carrie and Andrew and
Julia Tuttle came. We all went up to the lecture but did not stay but a few
minutes. Tuesday I made cake in the morning. In the Afternoon Maggie Richardson
and Mother came to spend the afternoon. Mr? Judd and Lady called in the evening
and we went up to the lecture. I shall remember May’s remarks some time.
Wednesday made cake in the morning, had two calls. Charlie Cook came to see me,
quite excited for fear I thought he could not get anyone to go with him. I had
just succeaded in calming his agitated mind when I had another call another.
Charlie wanted to me to go to the mite? Society but I declined on the plea of
ill health. Jane Sherman called this afternoon and in the evening I was
left alone as Allie went over to the mite Society. Thursday went to singing
school. In the evening Mose and Joe were there. Jo came home with Allie but Moses
did not have anything to say to me. Must think I care a great deal whether he
ever makes up again or not. If he does not then I am well, out of it better then I
expected to be for I did not intend to go with him much longer anyway and if he
is the one to get mad so much the better for he will not know but what I
intended always to be: good friends with him. But I very much fear if it had gone
along two months longer, which is as long as I should have gone with him anyway,
there would have been a good many hard feelings on his part. Friday we had our
party. Mose brought Josie all night. I believe it is the very best thing which could have happened only it
places me in rather a bad situation. Just now as I have nobody to go with.
Saturday we worked all day putting things to rights again. Sunday went to church
twice to our church and in the evening to the methodice. Also wrote a short note
to Moses.