Wednesday, October 17, 2012

January 30th 1859

Henrietta Jan 30th 1859

A bright beautiful sabbath morning. The mud is all froze up although we do not have any snow yet. Monday evening we attended the Temperance meeting. Joseph and Moses came home with us of course. Mose severed his visitation to go to Calvin’s and asked me if I had any objections to his taking Josie Smith. Of course I had not, as Josie and I were very good friends, but the more I thought about it the more I became convinced that Josie had the first visitation and he visited me because he felt under obligations to, especially after what Jo R- said last Wednesday. So I told Allie very positively that if any one else asked me I should go with them and if they did not anyone else ask me I should stay at home. But she [Allie] said she would go but if she was me she would go with somebody else. After she got there I fineally got ready to go, but when Jo came after her I was undesided whether to go or not. But they said they would not go a step unless I would promise to come with Mose, so after a while I told them I would. So they went telling me if I did not come with Mose they should come back after me. Very very cold was I when Mose did come. Never once did I speak to him except to answer his questions going down. But he seemed to feel bad so I went up stairs in a repentant mood, resolving to make up on one condition which was whether he asked me or Josie to dance the first set. Well when the time came he came up to Josie and I with George De Witt. I understood him to speak to Josie so I thought we can never be friends. But Josie told me to go when I looked up in some surprise and inquired if he spoke to me in my heart. I was very very glad but some of the old spirit prompted me not to let him know it, but to punish him yet more. I saw that he was angry and that he thought I asked so on purpose when he asked me to dance, but in that at least I was blameless. Still I was very silent. He did not ask me to dance again. I saw he did not intend to so I told him I had something to say to him. So we sit down in a corner by ourselves and talked. We were both angry, though I was half penitent. We finally partley settled it and I was on my good behavior. Wednesday evening Allie and I went over to the mite? Society at Mr Worthingtons. Jo R and Abb C- came. Jo said that Mose was over to the store but would not come. I though[t] perhaps there is two reasons why he would not. Spent a very pleasant evening. Thursday we went over to *Josephine’s. Went down and visited the school. I came back with Marve? and Allie as Josie went to singing school. Mose was not there either. I guess he has made up his mind to go nowhere I am.  Friday Josie asked us over there to make molasses candy, had a real pleasant time. Friday and Saturday evenings expected Mose but was disapointed. To day I have been to church all day and this evening we are going to Methodice meeting. If anything unusal should happen it would be quite a change for me. Took **Jenny to church to day. We a great time first I took her up gallery then she cryed so I carried her down to me Ma and sailed back. Then she cryed again so Allie promanaded out with her and back again.
*Mary's sister
**Josephine's daughter, Mary's niece.

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