July 25th 1858 Home
Once again have I looked over my Diary but it does not seem
to progress very rapidly for while I should be writing, I am looking over what I
have written before. So I have made a great many good promises of writing
some every day but I am very much afraid I shall not do so, I have been thinking
of the good times we had last winter of the night down to Tattles? Where I
danced til about three and then Jo made me promise not to dance any more and
Jo’s going back to dance another set when Allie Morse? of and I went
together and the night us four went over to Carries. I guess? I shant soon
forget the buffalo skin ---- And again the night over to Pittsford and West
Henrietta and the flirtation, I carried on down to Russells and my talk over to Quimby’s with the fellow that
did not bring any girl, and two or three nights down to Helen Pikes room and one
down to Anna Keyes, and the night we went serenading when we scared one young
man so bad and the many many pleasant nights at singing school when somebody
always came home with me. But I must write some letters so leaving the many pleasant remembrances called up I go
to do my duty.
Dancing till 3? Scandalous!